Conversation Between LOWE LIFE and pap

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Pap sorry for the delay been sick as all hell... Mike is the guy who rents the cottages out, his # 614-296-6942... The # to Turtle Creek marina the one you pass on Humphreys rd 419 898-7745.. If theirs anything i can do to help ya out just let me know my friend! Let me know if you get Mikes cottage so we can meet up while your in town
  2. Yes that would be great, I would like that, if it pans out where can we launch,or dock? Thanks for keeping me in mind!! PAP.
  3. Pap I can get you a # for a guy who rents his cottaqge out across from ours if you'd like? Nice place sleeps alot not sure on price but it wont hurt to ask? Let me know!
    Lowe Life,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3